Needle-Free Facial Filler
PLLA Treatments

PLLA Volume enhancing facial
Clinically proven to work, this is a topical volume/filler treatment that stimulates collagen, thickens the epidermis and enhances facial volume without the needles. PLLA ingredients smoothes and plumps the skin. With continued use, the increase in collagen production can slow cell damage and lead to improved skin elasticity and less wrinkles.
“ Pilleo” means filler in Korean. This is the only non-invasive, anti-aging skin treatment to work by plumping the skin and adding volume to the face. (Can also be used on hands and décolleté.)
HOP+ is the only “filler mask” that is proven to work with Clinical studies that stand behind the product. There is only one maker of HOP+, Formerly Sculplla H2, which is “Tov Medical Aesthetics” Please be aware of copies and fake products. You can simply check the maker on the box, or if your clinic, medical spa, or your esthetician is listed under “Authorized HOP+ Provider”
Consultation: FREE
PLLA-Volume Enhancing Facial with UltraGlow: Includes a double cleanse, enzyme treatment, skin scrubber and our signature Ultra Glow ultrasound with bioactive peptides and a stem cell serum (oncology friendly, uses patented S2RM® technology to improve the appearance of fine lines). HOP PLLA patented hydrogen encapsulated mask to lift, firm and restore volume the skin
Why add UltraGlow: Ultrasound and LED treatments have been used by aesthetician to increase cellular turnover, plump and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. The process is safe, painless, and gentle and can be used by those with sensitive skin types.
Single Treatment: $250
Series of 3: $690
Series of 5: $1150
PLLA-Volume Enhancing Facial: Includes a double cleanse, enzyme treatment, skin scrubber and the HOP PLLA patented hydrogen encapsulated mask to lift, firm and restore volume the skin
Single Treatment: $225
Series of 3: $630
Series of 5: $1050

Disclaimer: These statements are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. ANY purchasing/ treatment advice given by Palm and Cedar Wellness Clinic LTD its affiliates, including any employees or contractors, should NEVER be considered MEDICAL advice and any advice given is NEVER intended to be MEDICAL advice or all-inclusive advice.
Disclaimer: The content on this website is no way intended to be treated as medical advice. If you have any concerns about a treatment and a medical issues, it is your responsibility to consult with your health care provider. For any questions regarding a medical condition, we urge you to speak to a health provider. Results and treatment descriptions are in no way a guarentee. Results may vary. Prices do not reflect tax and can change at any time.