Registered Clinical Counselling
Counselling, is a process and your safety and comfort are prioritized. We all need a place where we are welcomed with non-judgement, non violence where we can resolve, move forward or even explore ourselves in a deeper way. All of your sessions will be kept in confidence and all ethical guidelines of the CCAP and BCACC, will be adhered too. However, there are times when I will have to adhere to a higher ethics and regulation of confidentiality:
1. If there is a just reason to believe a client may harm a child
2. If there is a just reason to believe a client may harm themselves
3. If there is a just reason to believe a client may harm any other person
4. If there is a just reasons to suspect that a vulnerable person is being harmed
5. If there is a court order or subpoena of files

All counselling sessions will begin with a process called Informed Consent. This is where you understand what will happen in each session, what are the benefits and if there are any risks, including doing nothing, and what you can expect. Informed consent is a dynamic process, that you, the client, can decide at any time to remove yourself from. Your first session will begin with Informed Consent which includes confidentiality.